Looking for how to check NECO result without exam number, or how to check NECO result without token number or pin? Don’t panic as I am about to reveal to you, how to do that with ease. Everything you need to know about how to check NECO result without exam number is on this blog.
A lot of individuals are asking if it would be possible to check NECO result without examination number. Well, it’s actually possible. You can also, check NECO result without token number. You just need to follow the directives below to arrive at the answer to these questions.
How to check NECO result without exam number
To check NECO result without exam number,
- Locate a NECO office near you.
- Give them your name, and other details they asked you.
- Finally, they will show your NECO result.
If there’s no NECO office around the area you live, you can contact them through their office numbers.
08069232760, 08052218069,
08052218070, 08126886938,
08126886939, 08189342653,
The NECO support lines are available between 8.00am and 7.00pm (Nigerian Time). You can also, contact NECO through their email address.
- support@neco.gov.ng
- neconigeria@yahoo.com
- support@mynecoexams.com
The NECO (National Examination Council) support lines are available between 8.00am and 7.00pm (Nigerian Time).
Let me also, introduce to you, how you can check NECO result with your exam number. This is because, you might get to find your exam number, and would be willing to check it with it yourself.
How to check NECO result with examination number
- To check NECO result with examination number,
Visit NECO result portal - Select your exam year, and exam type
- Also, enter your token, and registration number
- Finally, click on ‘Check result‘.
If you don’t have a token, scroll down when you open the NECO portal, and click on ‘PURCHASE TOKEN’.
On this topic ‘how to check NECO result without exam number‘, let’s take a look at all important frequently asked questions.
How to check NECO result without token number?
You can check NECO result without token by only contacting them by going to their office, or call their support lines. There, you should be able to check NECO result without token number.
Can I check NECO result for free?
The answer is yes. If you have a NECO token, and your phone with an internet enabled device, you can check it yourself without paying anyone.
My NECO result is not showing, what should I do?
If your NECO result is not yet out, you need to wait until it’s out, or you can contact NECO to help you rectify the issue.
Can I use NECO result to get admission into a university?
Yes. With your NECO result, and a good grade in it, you can get admission in any university, polytechnic, or other institution. Note: Other requirements like JAMB result, PUTME, e.t.c. will be requested.
I fail some subjects in NECO, what should I do?
All you need to do is to combine your WAEC and NECO result. With that, you can be eligible to get admission in your preferred institution.
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