AE-FUNAI student profile contains information concerning the students. Here, you will learn steps, and how to create a FUNAI student profile within 20 to 30 minutes. It’s not that hard to create. All you need is an Android phone with an internet connection.
AE FUNAI student profile also, is a place where FUNAI students can generate payments like Acceptance fee, Other charges, hostel accommodation. They can register their courses there, and check their results too.
How to create FUNAI student profile
- To create AE FUNAI student profile,
Visit the school portal https://portal.funai.edu.ng/lOGIN.aspx - Click on ‘Click here to verify account‘.
- Select the option ‘New student‘ and enter your JAMB registration number.
- Also, click ‘Submit‘ and your username/password will be revealed to you.
- Go back to the login page and login with your username and password.
- Finally, click on ‘Profile‘ to enter your details. Click ‘submit’ when done.
Important information on how to create FUNAI student profile
Once you have gotten your username and password, make sure you change your password to a new one before proceeding to submit your details. This is because, since your original password is your JAMB registration number, other individuals can have access to your profile in the school’s portal. To avoid that, you need to get a new password.
How to change your password on AE FUNAI student portal
- To change your password on AE FUNAI student portal,
- Login with your username and password.
- At the top left, open the menu, and click on ‘Change password‘.
- Enter the old password, new password and re-enter the new password then, click ‘Change password‘.
Example: 93567586GH, 687878, 687878.
Details required for FUNAI student profile creation
- Permanent address
- Hometown
- Contact address
- Religion
- Genotype
- Blood group
- Sponsor’s full name
- Sponsor’s address
- Sponsor’s mobile number
- Sponsor’s email address
- Relationship with sponsor
- Next of kin’s full name
- Next of kin’s address
- Next of kin’s mobile number
- Relationship with next of kin
- Mode of Entry
- Department
Frequently asked questions on how to create FUNAI student profile
What should I do if my JAMB registration number does not exist in the school database?
It means that you have not been offered admission by the school, or your details have not been updated yet. If you have been offered admission by the school, kindly check back later, and it will reflect. If you have not been offered admission by the school, then you need to wait for admission, or you can do change of institution to another school.
I was not able to submit after entering my data in FUNAI portal.
If you’re unable to submit the data you entered in FUNAI student portal, it means that you skipped a required box. You need to fill all information. If you’re done filling the information and the problem still persist, kindly contact the customer care line there.