The Best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods Among Us - OKVIX

The Best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods Among Us

The Best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods Among Us

Have you been finding it difficult to defeat your opponents in injustice gameplay? Do you want to discover the best team to use to defeat your opponents? Here, I am writing on the best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods among us. Keep reading to learn that.

Before I proceed to show you the best team/combination to beat all opponents, let’s take a look at Injustice characters.

List of injustice characters ranked alphabetically

Below are the teams for injustice: Gods Among Us.

  • Bane, Bane (Regime)
  • Batman, Batman (Arkham Origin), Batman (Insurgency)
  • Black Adams, Black Adams (Regime)
  • Catwoman, Catwoman (Batman Returns)
  • Cyborg, Cyborg (Regime), Cyborg (Teen Titans)
  • Deathstroke, Deathstroke (Insurgency)
  • Doomsday, Doomsday (Regime)
  • General Zod (Man of steel)
  • Green Arrow (Arrow), Green Arrow (Insurgency)
  • Green Lantern (Regime)
  • Harley Quinn (Animated), Harley Quinn (Insurgency)
  • Lex Luthor (Insurgency), Lex Luthor (Krypto)
  • Lobo
  • Nightwing, Nightwing (Regime)
  • Sinestro, Sinestro (Green Lantern), Sinestro (Regime)
  • Solomon Grundy, Solomon Grundy (Regime).
  • Superman, Superman (Man of Steal), Superman (Regime), Superman (God fall).
  • The Flash (Regime)
  • The Joker, The Joker (Insurgency), The Joker (The K. Joke).
  • Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman (Regime)
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The best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods Among Us

The Best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods Among Us is the combination of Night wing, Night Wing (Regime) and Superman (God fall). You can choose any other strong Superman. Once you’re able to fight, and increase their damage ability and other abilities, you can beat anyone.

Nightwing strokes on the use of his special one can reduce opponent’s bar. This will make your opponent unable to activate any special damage. You need to attack quickly to gain more special bar by repeatedly tapping the screen, or swiping forward.

Character’s automatic ability in Injustice game: Gods Among Us


Bane the Venom tank, once per match, when Bane is below 40% health, does 25% more damage, and all basic attacks will be critical hits for 10 seconds.

Bane (Regime)

Bane Regime the venom rage, once per match, when Bane is below 40% health, does 25% more damage, and all basic attacks will be critical hits for 6 seconds.


Batman is a tactical genius, and his teammates deals 25% more damages to opponents.

The Best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods Among Us
Injustice game characters

Batman (Arkham Origin)

This is the invisible predator. He starts the match with 2 bars of power. He is very hard to defeat.

Batman (Insurgency)

He is the kind of martial arts. His basic attacks deals 300%ore damage if an opponent is stunned.

Black Adam

He is the lightning aura. When Black Adam tags-in, he gains an aura that will damage the opponent if he is hit. It lasts for 3 hits.

Black Adam (Regime)

Lightning shield Black Adam also, when he tags-in, gains an aura that will damage the opponent if he is hit. When the aura is active, any special used against him will have 2x damages reflected back at the attacker. It lasts for 3 hits.


The razor claw Catwoman basic attacks deals 50% more damages to the opponents suffering from DAMAGE-OVER-TIME.

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Catwoman (Batman Returns)

The deadly game Catwoman DAMAGE-OVER-TIME deals plus 100% damages for Catwoman, and her teammates.


Cyborg has a self-repair ability. He regenerates health when you remove him to bring another opponent to fight during a match.

Cyborg (Regime)

DE re-energize Cyborg, regenerates power at 150% of the normal rate when you change him to rest during a match while you bring another character.

Cyborg (Teen Titans)

He is the reconstruction. He quickly generates health when you remove him to bring another character in a match. Within some seconds, his life bar will be almost full.


The paid mercenary, for each KNOCK-OUT blow to an opponent, does 25% more damages with his next special attack.

Deathstroke (Insurgency)

Deathstroke the Lock-and-Load gains 15% of his total power for each KNOCK-OUT blow.


Doomsday the Hero K. gains 50% of health for each KNOCK-OUT blow done to an opponent in a match.

Doomsday (Regime)

After a KNOCK-OUT blow is dealt by the Hero Slayer, Doomsday, his next special attack can’t be blocked by his opponent.

General Zod (Man of steel)

General Zod is putting on the Kriptonian battle amor. He takes 20% less damages from special, and super attacks.

Green Arrow (Arrow)

Arrow’s basic combo has a chance of releasing a random arrow with unique effects.

Green Arrow (Insurgency)

He has a great tactic. Green Arrow and his teammates deals 5% increase damage on all attacks to his opponents.

Green Lantern (Regime)

He is the battery power. Green Lantern, and his teammates, gains 25% increased power generation during a match.

Harley Quinn (Animated)

Harley Quinn who is also known as the Deranged Cheerleader, and her teammates receive plus 20% damages and power generation, plus 40% for joker characters

Harley Quinn (Insurgency)

Psychotic sidekick Harley Quinn, and her teammates, deals 10% more damages to opponents in a match.

Lex Luthor (Insurgency)

Force Field Lex Luthor, and his teammates, has a 25% increase to their maximum health when competing in a match.

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Lex Luthor (Krypto)

Partial Shield Lex Luthor, and his teammates has a 30% increase to their maximum health.


Lobo is immune to eh effect of power drain. No character can drain his power.


Nightwing is good in hand-to-hand combat. He takes 25% less damages from basic attacks.

Nightwing (Regime)

He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. He takes 50% less damages from all basic attacks in a match.


If an opponent change a character while fighting Sinestro in a match, he gains back 15% of his total power.

Sinestro (Green Lantern)

While fighting Sinestro, if an opponent change a character, his next special, or super attacks does 50% damage to the opponent.

Sinestro (Regime)

If an opponent change a character while fighting Sinestro (Regime), he gains back 25%.of his total power.

Solomon Grundy

Once per match, when Solomon Grundy is defeated, he will immediately regenerate 50% of his total health while fighting another character.

Solomon Grundy (Regime)

When Solomon Grundy (Regime) is defeated, he will immediately regenerate 25% of his total health while fighting another character once per match.


Superman has a super speed. Once per match, when Superman has a 40% health or less, he attacks 50% faster for 6 seconds.

Superman (Man of Steal)

He is the king of flying blow. Every special attack has a 30% chance of using no power, allowing it to be used again instantly.

Superman (Regime)

Superman (Regime) has a super strength. Once per match, when Superman has a 40% health or less, he does 50% damages for 6 seconds.

Superman (God fall).

Superman (God fall) has the power of Kandor. On successful block, he reflects all basic damages.

The Flash (Regime)

The Flash and his teammates attacks 15% faster. Bosses are protected.

The Joker

The Joker offers a toxic leave. If he is defeated, his opponent loses health.

The Joker (Insurgency)

If the Joker is KNOCK-OUT, his opponent loses a certain amount of health.

The Joker (The K. Joke).

If the Joker (K. Joke) is KNOCKED-OUT, his teammates’ power is charged to full.

Wonder Woman

Each time Wonder Woman blocks a special or basic attack, she gains a 50% bonus to the damage to her next special attack.

Wonder Woman (Regime)

Wonder Woman (Regime) is the shield of the gods. Successfully blocking any attack generates power for her.

The Best team to use to destroy opponents in Injustice: Gods Among Us
Best team in Injustice gameplay

How to knock opponents out of the area during a match in Injustice, Gods among us.

To knock an opponent out in Injustice game play, you need to beat your opponent tactically, and make sure that the health of your opponent’s character is reduced to zero. Some characters do come back to life after being knocked out. Make sure you reduce his health to finally knock him out.

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