How to know when a woman wants to cum | All you need to know  - OKVIX

How to know when a woman wants to cum | All you need to know 

How to know when a woman wants to cum during love making with a man | All you need to know about cummings in ladies

How to know when a woman wants to cum | Step by step guides

Take your time to learn how to know that you have satisfied a woman on bed.

Hello guys, welcome to today’s article on how to know when a woman wants to cum and when fully satisfied.

Have you been trying to know if you’re man enough when it comes to love making?

Worry not, because this article on how to know when a woman wants to cum on bed during love making is for you!

We will unveil to you all the signs and technics that lies in this acts of love making and happiness.

Without any delay let’s find out how to know that’s you have done your job well in the upper room.

How to know when a woman wants to cum during love making with a man | All you need to know about cummings in ladies
How do women cum, image from Indian times

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Introduction: love making and woman satisfaction

Sex is lovely, sweet and interesting but don’t ask me how I manage to know.

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I have been in the street and have tasted both the blacks and the whites, and can say a lot as as advise the singles.

In short, from the wealth of my experience, I can categorically tell you what it feels to cum and be satisfied.

Therefore, one way to recognize when a woman wants to cum during love making is mainly from her mood.

Furthermore, during foreplay, the blood flow to the genitals increases with a wide margin to put her in the mood.

In short, it causes them to become more sensitive and eager to recieve from man.

Secondly, as sexual urgent increases, a person’s heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate also increase significantly.

When the job is well done and as orgasm approaches, the muscles may twitch or spasm for her to release or cum lovely.

How to know when a woman wants to cum during love making | All You Need to know

Here are signs to know that a woman is satisfied and wants to cum (Reach climax on love making)

1. Holds you tightly:

This is usually seen in 8 out of every 50 ladies.

It’s a time to let the man know that he has done well and shouldn’t pull out in a haste.

Holding the man let him know that it’s has been a beautiful journey that will soon come to an end.

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So, most girls holds their man and encourage them to keep doing that’s it’s remaining small to hit the jack pot.

2. Softening and opening of the ladies body:

At this point the lady is week and all the sensitive parts are opened.

She can promise you a visa to France or tell you how you can move to Canada at this stage.

It’s always a happy moment to see your lover being opened up for you and whispering that you should put it in.

However, most African women consider it as a flight to Europe or making deposit without withdrawal…

In my last relationship I am always excited when my woman says come do I’m on now and soft to penetrate.

3. Shouts to encourage the man:

This is seen in 10 out of every 20 ladies it’s an amazing sign that they are about to cum.

Most times they shout is what gives me an everlasting Joy to continue hitting the more.

I normally ask myself that what will I do with a lady that doesn’t scream or shout during love making.

It’s going to be a boring exercise without shouts.

When your woman behave like any of this just know that she’s about to cum (she’s dully satisfied).

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In some cases the replace the shouting with your name and some other per name, asking you to pet that dog well.

4. Bits anything possible:

If you think you have seen drama before, just come to Nigeria and marry an Akwaibom woman.

She will be bitting her clothes or anything close bye just to prove to you that she’s about to come.

This is not usually common in Nigeria ladies only a few.

5. Quiet and Tired:

At this point in time they are done and longer interested, just feel like resting to recover.

They are at their elastic limit and only wants you to stick around the walls.

Conclusion. How to know when a woman wants to cum on bed.

On an average, a man supposed to make a lady to cum four times before claiming to have performed.

However, here are some signs to see that you woman wants to cum while making love;

First, her face and mood changes, her body opens up, she bits and shout if possible to tell you to continue.

Secondly, she grabs you well without letting you grow while she tells you to tarry in Jerusalem.

This is actually the basic sign on how to know when a woman wants to cum in a love affairs.

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