Which university has the lowest cut off mark for nursing? (2023/2024) - OKVIX

Which university has the lowest cut off mark for nursing? (2023/2024)

Which university has the lowest cut off mark for nursing

Looking for the university with the least cut off mark for Nursing? You will find the answer as you continue reading. A student once asked, ‘Which university has the lowest cut off mark for nursing’? After giving the student the answer to that, I decide to share it here too.

All courses are valuable, but nursing is one of the most beautiful courses in Nigeria. High JAMB scores are also, required to be able to get admission to study the course. The cut-off mark is quite similar to that of Medicine/surgery and Law.

Furthermore, there are universities that accept low scores for nursing. So, if your question is ‘Which university has the lowest cut off mark for nursing‘, you’re about to find out.

Which university has the lowest cut off mark for nursing?

The university that has the lowest cut off mark for nursing is Ambrose Alli University (AAU), and University of Calabar (UNICAL). Other universities can only accept from 270 or above due to its competitiveness or other reasons. At AAU, and UNICAL, with 220 and 200 respectively, you can be able to study Nursing/Nursing science.

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Even if you scored not less than 180, there’s still high possibility that you will be admitted to the school. Al you need to do is to perform well in their PUTME screening.

Since the JAMB lowest cut off mark for universities is 140, this means that JAMB won’t be a problem for your admission. Where you should be focused is the university you applied for. Ambrose Alli University can accept JAMB score of 200 to 250. In case you score below 200, you still have a chance depending on the competition.

Frequently asked questions

Does UNN accept low cut off mark for nursing?

No. The University of Nigeria Nsukka does not accept low cut off make for nursing. This is because they believe in quality, and the competitiveness is high over there. Some schools who accept low cut off mark doesn’t mean that they go for low quality. Your quality will still be tested during the PUTME screening.

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Can UNICAL accept 200 for nursing?

Yes. If you didn’t score up to 270, but you scored 200, you have a high chance of getting admission to study Nursing into the institution.

Finally, I hope the question ‘Which university has the lowest cut off mark for nursing’ have been answered on this blog. If you find this information interesting, kindly share with your fellow students.


  1. I scored 181 in jamb can I take uniport post utme and is there high chance of me getting admission

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