Here, you will get to know funai cut off mark for all courses. Are you looking for AE FUNAI cut off mark for all courses? What is FUNAI cut off mark for Mass communication? Which cut off mark does funai accept? Does funai accept below 180?
If yes, then keep reading to discover that. Though all Nigerian Federal University’s cut off mark was generally 160, but others, and funai as well, has it’s own cut off mark. The cut-off mark serves as an eligibility to enroll into the university.
If you don’t score up to funai cut off mark, you are most likely not to get admission in the school. Funai cut off mark for 2024/2025 is 150 excluding law and medicine.
Funai cut off mark for all courses
What is FUNAI cut off mark?
FUNAI cut off mark for 2024/2025 is 150. Candidates who scored 150 or above are eligible to apply for FUNAI University. For law and medicine and surgery, you must score 200 or above.
Below are frequently asked questions that may have answers to your questions.
AE FUNAI Cut Off Mark for all Courses 2024/2025 session
What is FUNAI cut off mark?
Funai cut off mark is simply 150. Kindly do a change of Institution if you don’t reach the minimum cut off mark.
What is funai cut off mark for nursing?
AE FUNAI do not offer nursing. If you already applied for nursing, kindly change it to another course. I already made available, complete funai university courses.
What is funai cut off mark for economics?
Funai cut off mark for economics is 150. Once you score 150 in JAMB, and perform well in PUTME screening, you have high chance to be admitted.
What is funai cut off mark for all courses?
Funai cut off mark for Mass communication, Accountancy, Business Administration, political science, Banking-and-finance, anatomy, biochemistry, and others is 150 except for Medicine and Law.
What is funai cut off mark for Law, Medicine and surgery?
Funai cut off mark for law, Medicine and surgery is 240 and 250. Remember, you can still boost your chance of gaining admission if you perform well in PUTME Screening.
Does funai accept 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167,169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 165, 168?
Yes. If you checked your JAMB UTME result, and you scored above 150, you can apply.
Does funai accept 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159?
The answer is no except from 150. Don’t apply to the school if your score is not above 150. If you do, you won’t be offered admission.
Types of Screening in AE FUNAI
After beating the funai cut off mark, there are two types of screening, and you must undergo one. The school will announce the one to do. There’s no official announcement about the screening format for 2023/2024.
PUTME screening (CBT based)
It’s a physical CBT based exam. You only have to come with your Jamb result and acknowledgement slim.
WAEC and NECO (O’level) screening (Online)
Here, you don’t need to come to the school to write any exam. All you need to do is to buy the form online, and upload your O’level (WAEC/NECO) result. The school will take care of the rest.
Requirements for FUNAI internal screening
For internal screening in FUNAI, some major documents are required by the school management.
Note: This internal screening is after you have been offered provisional admission into the university, and have accepted your course on JAMB portal.
Funai internal screening exercise
Some documents are required by the school authority for their internal screening exercise. This is to help departments check if your O’level grade is good enough for the course you want to offer.
Documents required for Internal screening in FUNAI are:
Since you already beat funai cut off mark and now admitted, the following below will be required for funai internal departmental screening.
- The candidate must have a minimum of 5 credits in Mathematics, English and other relevant subjects related to his or her course.
- Candidates must provide his or her O’level result certificate. Your O’level result must be present so that your name will be entered into the department as it will show that you have been fully admitted.
- Birth certificate
- JAMB result slip
- A good number of recent passport photographs (About 7 or 8)
Note: Testimonial is not required. Also, original JAMB/WAEC result is not compulsory in FUNAI.
I hope the above information on funai cut off mark for all courses have answered all your questions. If you still have any question to ask, kindly drop them in the comment box below.
If you find this post very helpful, please share.
What is the cut off Mark for criminology as a course of its own
180. Since there’s always competition, you should try score higher in PUTME screening.
When is FUNAI post utme commencing
The form is not out, and there’s no official date on that from the school yet. It should be around October/November.
I am from Enugu state. I scored 194 in my jamb, will funai admit me to study business admin with the score
Yeah. Also, perform well in your screening.
And pls. When will funai 2021/2022 post utme form may likely be out?
Likely to be out around September/October.
Vincent, please send me a dm to my email when funai post utme is out
Alright. I will.
Vincent, pls give me ur phone number let me call u let’s talk pls. Since u are a student in Funai, I want updates from u pls.
Okay. 08104697189
I got 189 in jamb can I study medical biochemistry
Yeah. You beat the school’s cut off mark. Also, perform well in screening.
Please I scored 210,can I study medicine in funai
Yes. Try to score higher in PUTME screening.
Does funai accept 160 for a pre-degree student
Kindly rephrase your question.
Vincent, pls i applied for business admin to funai and these are my subject combination.
For utme; i wrote Maths, Eng, Commerce and Economics
For o’level 5 subjects; maths, eng, commerce, economics and govt.
Pls am i qualified for admission with the above subjects combination?
Yes. Again, you must score 180, or above. Also, perform well during screening.
Is med surg in funai accredited?
Does funai offer Radiography
Vincent, Pls give us the outcome of the Jamb policy meeting tomorrow
When will funai release their own school post utme na
Please be patient. It will be out soon.
Will funai take postume this year or will they just do screening
CBT based PUTME screening in the school.
Pls i am seriously confused, is Commerce among the social science subjects
Is funai going to conduct physical screening or cbt exam since they said the screening exercise will commence from 2nd to 5th november.
Is they any course offered in fuina for 146
Nope. Medicine 250, Law 240, others 150.
I get 153 in jamb can I gain admmision into funai
Yeah. Except if you applied for Medicine or Law.
Is they any course offered in funia for 146 hit on jamb
Vincent, good morning pls i so worried about how to get my own jamb CAPS login details by sending my email to 55019 but this is the reply jamb gave me; You cannot use this facility because you originally supplied your email during registration or have updated your email.
And we didn’t use email to register jamb this year. Pls how can i solve it so that jamb will send me my 2021 CAPS login details?
Will FUNAI conduct screening this year
I score 168 in jamb can I be give admission to study food science and technology in funai
AE-FUNAI do not offer food science and technology.
Are they still giving admission i got 154 and funai is not my first choice what am I to do
Yeah. The sale of PUTME screening form have closed. If you got the form, kindly reprint to see your date and time for the exam.
What isbthe cut off mark for radiography and medsurg in funai. 07088933142. Pls chat me up Incase of any questions
AE-FUNAI do not offer radiography yet. Medicine and surgery cut off mark for 2021/2022 session is 200.
Is the admission still on I want to get admitted i got 154
I scored 175 and I applied for business education,do I still have chance to gain admission in funai?and should I purchase their screening form for business education with 175?
Yeah. Though the school’s cut off mark might be updated. Previously 180. Currently 150.
Pls I scored 149 can I be given any course to study
Sorry, nope.
Bro vincent pls wat is d cut off mark for nursing in funai
Currently, AE-FUNAI do not offer nursing.
I scored above 150 , still I wasn’t admitted
I am really confused right now
my dad is threatening to take me to go and serve
I won’t be able to do it
someone should help me pls
With 166 can you study microbiology in Funai
If the cut off mark remains 150, you can.