Laundromats are always open to the public to help them keep their properties clean. Looking for Laundromats in Fort Myers? This page contains the 10 best Laundromats in Fort Myers and their addresses.
Do you reside in, or would you be traveling to, the United States of America? Keep reading to find out the location, addresses and details of Laundromats in Fort Myers. Cheap charges are available. Also, you will find out if you can start a Laundromat business. That is, after finding out how beneficial it could be.
Laundromats in Fort Myers
In 2024, there will be an increase in laundromat companies in Fort Myers, Florida. This is due to the high demand for Laundromats in the city. Of course, not everyone would have time to clean or wash their clothes. So, a Laundromat company can help do that for the people.
According to Wiktionary, a Laundromat is a self-service laundry facility with coin-operated washing machines, dryers, and sometimes ironing or pressing machines, open to the public for washing clothing and household cloth items. In the United Kingdom, they are known as launderettes.
Check out these 10 best Laundromats in Fort Myers. They are:
1. Maytag Laundry Center
Address: 2829 Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Phone number: +1 239-226-0000
2. Sunny Days Laundromat
Address: 18911 South Tamiami Trl, Unit 2 Fort Myers, FL 33908
Phone number: +1 239-267-0950
3. Busy Mamas Laundromat
Address: 3940 Metro Pkwy, Fort Myers, FL 33916
Number: +1 303-513-4489
4. Bright N Clean
Location: 5161 Orange Grove Blvd, North Fort Myers, FL 33903
Contact: +1 239-656-4110
5. Weaver’s Corner Laundromat
In all laundromats in fort myers, Weaver’s Corner Laundromat is one of the best.
Address: 4525 Bayshore Rd, North Fort Myers, FL 33917
Contact: +1 239-656-3009
6. N. FT. Myers LaundroMart
Address: 216 Pondella Rd, North Fort Myers, FL 33903
Contact: +1 239-995-0260
7. Coin-O-Magic Laundromat II
Address: 2451 Hanson St, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Contact: +1 239-226-4908
8. Riverdale Laundromat
Location: 14564 Palm Beach Blvd, Fort Myers, FL 33905
Contact: +1 239-693-1011
9. Sunny Days Laundromat Palm Beach
Address: 14561 Palm Beach Blvd East Fort Myers, Fort Myers, FL 33905
Contact: +1 239-313-7468
10. D & B Laundromat
Location: 1312 Homestead Rd N, Lehigh Acres, FL 33936
Contact: +1 239-369-6700
For dry cleaning, sewing and alterations, you can check the Tide Cleaners. Their address is 7001 Cypress Terrace, Fort Myers, FL 33907. Call: +1 239-785-3403. Website:
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much do Laundromats Charge
In some cases, some of the Laundromats charge 2.50 for a decent front-loader wash, but it can go up if you choose washers with larger capacities.
Dry goes for 0.25 per segment of 6 minutes, of which 0.50 could dry the lighter clothes, and more quarters could be added for more time, of course, for heavier clothes.
2024 prices of Weaver’s Corner Laundromats in Fort Myers
Men’s Shirts
Button Down Cotton $4.00, Columbia (Fishermen) $7.75, Polo (Golf) $7.75, Split Side $8.50, Sport Shirt $8.50, Silk $8.50, Rayon $8.50, With Snaps $8.50, Sport Jersey $7.00, Military Crease $8.00, Tuxedo $8.00, Folded Add $2.00.
Pants & Shorts
Regular $8.75; pleated $9.75, Silk / Linen $12.00; lined $10.75, Shorts $8.75.
Dresses & Skirts
Basic $16.50, lined $17.50, Basic 2 Piece $23.50, lined 2 Piece $24.50, Floor Length approx. $35.00 – $45.00, Skirt Short $9.75, Skirt Long $17.50.
Women’s Blouses
Cotton / Basic $8.50, Fancy $12.50
Suits: Men’s & Women’s
2 pieces: $16.50; 3 pieces: $22.00, Vest $8.50, Tie $7.75; 2 Piece Tuxedo $32.00.
Jackets & Coats
Sport: $10.75, Light Jacket: $12.00, Heavy Jacket:
$22.00 Rain / Trench Coat $20.00, Chef $11.50, Scrub $10.00.
Pullover $10.50, Cardigan / Button up $10.95, Vest $8.00, Set 2 Piece $15.00.
Some cost an additional $0.50 Per Pound, with a $5.00 minute fee. Wash, dry, and fold is $1.15++ per pound for 12 Lbs. Per minute.
How Much do Laundromats Make
Laundromats make between 1000 and, 3500 dollars per day. Big laundromat companies do earn more depending on the number of customers.
How Much do Laundromats Make a Month
Laundromats make over $20,000 in a month, especially after the festival period. This is because they get more customers after a lot of celebration, keeping everything untidy.
How Much do Laundromats Make a Year
They make between $50,000 and $240,000 in a year. It’s a good business for the business owners. Laundromat shops located in populated cities ought to earn more in a year.
Are Laundromats a Good Investment
The answer is Yes. It is a good investment. Once you have the machine in a good location, you will make a great profit from the investment.
How Much do Laundromats Charge to Wash Your Clothes
Laundromats charge between $4 and $50 to wash your clothes. It depends on the type of clothes you want to clean. For example, a button-down cotton shirt for men is $4, a cotton/basic women’s blouse is $8.50, and a heavy jacket is $22. So, it depends on the type of wear you present.
How Much do Laundromats Charge Per Pound
Laundromats charge $1.15 per pound. Sometimes it could be less. Different companies have their own prices. Though, they are all similar, The average price per pound for laundromats is $1.
Laundromats in Fort Myers are a great investment opportunity. The prices were included to enable you to budget properly. Apart from Craigslist Seattle jobs in the USA, it is another way to earn money Kindly share this content with your family and friends.