How To Check AE-FUNAI Semester Result - OKVIX

How To Check AE-FUNAI Semester Result

How to check AE-FUNAI semester result

If you’re searching for ‘FUNAI result checker portal’, ‘how to check AE FUNAI semester result’, or ‘FUNAI semester result checker’, keep reading to discover that here.

How To Check AE-FUNAI Semester Result

Here, I will be guiding you on how to check AE-FUNAI (Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo ) semester results. AE-FUNAI results are usually released faster, but in some cases there could be a delay in the uploading of results.

AE-FUNAI Student Portal Login Process

The process is simple. Once you have the URL and your login details, you can access the school portal. It is done by visiting the webpage then enter your username and JAMB registration number.

Steps To Access AE-FUNAI Semester Results Online

To check AE-FUNAI semester result,

  1. Visit funai result checker portal
  2. Enter your JAMB registration number and password
  3. Click on ‘Login‘.
  4. Select the result Icon (Second to last in Menu)
  5. Click on ‘Result
  6. Choose ‘Check result
  7. Then select your session (academic year)
  8. Choose the semester you wish to check
  9. Skip current year of study option
  10. Finally, click ‘Submit‘ to access your result.
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Required credentials for accessing AE-FUNAI student portal

The required credentials are:

  • Must have an AE FUNAI profile account.
  • A valid JAMB registration number.
  • A unique password.

Understanding the grading system used in AE-FUNAI semester results

The grading system is easy to understand. These are the grading system used for AE-FUNAI semester results.

  • 70–100 is A
  • 60–69 is B
  • 50–59 is C
  • 45–49 is D
  • 40–44 is E
  • 0–39 is F

The assessment score, test score and examination score of a course is used to determine the grade. This also assists to calculate your GPA, and CGPA.

Troubleshooting Common Issues Encountered While Checking AE-FUNAI Results Online

Some common issues you might encounter while checking AE-FUNAI result are:

  1. Username does not exist: This occurs when your username is not correct. Ensure that your username which is your JAMB registration number is correct. To fix this, check your JAMB result or other JAMB print-out to see the correct JAMB registration number.
  2. Invalid password: If your password is incorrect, it will display ‘invalid password’ when you want to check your result. Check your password and enter the right one, or visit the school ICT to get a new password.
  3. Blank result: This can occur when your results have not been uploaded, or you choose the wrong academic session. Wait for the upload of the result and select the correct academic session to fix the issue.
  4. Result not complete: This happens if you don’t register a particular course or the result have not been uploaded. To fix the issue, visit the exam registrar in your department and let him know about it. Alternatively, you can ask your course mate to know if it’s a general issue.
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Accessing Past Semester Results in AE-FUNAI Student Portal

Both students and graduates of AE-FUNAI have access to their results anytime. All you need to do is to log in with the right credentials and submit. They can select any academic session or level the student want to check.

Importance of regularly checking AE-FUNAI semester results for academic progress

They are:

  1. You will get to know how much you’re performing academically.
  2. If a result is not uploaded to the portal, you will discover it to be able to fix it.
  3. If you fail a course after checking your result, and you’re sure that passed it, you can request for remarking of your result sheet.
  4. Since the results contain the grading scores, it will help you to easily calculate your GPA and CGPA.

Contact information for technical support related to AE-FUNAI student portal

You can visit the ICT if you’re I the school premises. Alternatively, you can open a ticket at the Tenece support center for any technical support at

Make sure you include your name, email address, and JAMB registration number in the support ticket.

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Privacy and Security Measures Implemented in AE-FUNAI Student Portal for Result Access

The AE-FUNAI student portal is protected by SSL, and a good web hosting platform. This means that the student information and the ones they enter into the platform is secured.

Another security measure is that students cannot reset the portal password on their own. This is to avoid intruders to change the password. The last security measure is that relevant information cannot be edited after it’s being entered into the portal.

This is to avoid unnecessary change of important details that would affect the information of the students.

Frequently Asked Question

Which type of device can I use to check AE-FUNAI semester result?

All you need is an Android phone with an internet connection. Go to your browser and follow the procedure FUNAI result checker portal

Why is my result not complete?

The school ICT is still uploading your result. The result will be released soon. In a case whereby your course mates have seen theirs while yours is not showing, visit your department and report immediately. They will assist you to making sure that your result is being uploading.

Factors that can affect your low grade result.

  • Lack of study
  • Missing script
  • Wrong computation
  • Failure to sign attendance (Before and after exam)

How do I correct low scores in my result?

There are many factors (Listed above) that can affect your result negatively. To correct that, try to find out what could be the problem. Report to your department so they can help you rectify the issue.

Note: You may be advised to carry-over a course which you have issue with, as the process for correction may take time. But if you follow it up earlier, it will be rectified.

On this topic ‘FUNAI semester result checker portal login’, I hope you can now check your result with ease. Good luck as you pass all your courses.

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