Field to consider before choosing a course to study in Nigerian University - OKVIX

Field to consider before choosing a course to study in Nigerian University

Field to consider before choosing a course to study in Nigerian University.

Hello, don’t be frightened on what you are going to study in the university levels as well as course of study in education. Follow as we unveil it to you, areas you need to focus on when when making decision on which course to study.

Everything created by God is so beautiful; every man is blessed with a unique gift. Many lived to fulfill these beautiful dreams through different means; the usual way is acquiring the sixteen (16) educational pathway, while some less privileged undergo skill acquisition training. Whichever route we chose to achieve our life goals, the educational system in Nigeria has a way of changing the pattern in which we would have wanted our careers choices to surface.

So sad to say, but the educational system in Nigeria has wrecked some God given talents in the lives of her youth. First, 80% of her undergraduate are studying courses they never expected or desired, many could not decline the offer because of the initial zeal to be called a ‘student’. Second, many high school graduates are smart enough to inquire from their older siblings, on what courses to look out for irrespective of their passion or what they want.

Do not be among people who chant “school na scam”. School is not a scam if you make smart moves. Today, especially in Nigeria, you can be anything with the right information. So if your parents are not wealthy enough to send you overseas for studies, look out for these courses before picking up a jamb form.

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Field to consider before choosing a course to study in Nigerian University.

Health Related Course:

Everyday, people fall sick and buy drugs; the new trend now is the way many foreign countries give visa easily to international health personnel. If the science related courses you want to go for doesn’t revolve around health, please drop the admission letter, don’t waste your years in the university.

The health personnel are the highest-paid earners, especially in overseas. Health is wealth, and also let fold be your medicine. Health professions can never be abolished till Christ comes, we must be alive and free from sickness and disease before thinking of any other thing to do. So choosing a course of study in this filed makes you sellable and hot cake.

Computer programming and ICT:

ICT being a trading field provide us with a less stressful and lucrative opportunity where you can even work and earn at the comfort of your home.
ICT here is another, Obi Cubana’s kind of money, funny right! The 21st century is highly built on a foundation of technology. ICT personnel are being sort after in overseas and their salaries is competing with that of health personnel. So if you’re really going into computer, programming and ICT, you’re perfectly on the right path.

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Educational Courses

Silly as it might sound, these three courses are not to discourage anyone but like they say knowledge is power, information is the most powerful. Many graduates wish they knew the things they know now. In Nigeria today, an engineer has turned to a businessman, making lots of profits daily.

Make the money first and pursue your passion, not vice versa. Nevertheless, education is the fast-growing industry globally, and still remains the hallmark of learning and creativity. Dr Chia O. M once said, and I quote “That the illiterate of the 21st century are not just those who do not know how to speak, laugh and write but to those who can not learn, unlearn and rename at every giving time”.

Business administration and marketing

This is one of the areas that every average young man that want to survive at all times must be thinking of, because the richest people all over the world are sellers (marketing industry is a place people leverage to earn a successful living). No matter what you decide, please try and be a business mogul.

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Engineering and technology

This field is the king of jungles because science and technology are leading all over the hook and cranny of other professions we can lay hold of. Medical doctor needs and uses machines and equipment manufactured by an engineer, banker industries and agriculture establishment uses automated machine manufactured by an engineer for easier and proper operations.

Movements are made easy with so many innovation and engineer comes up with such. House and road construction have made several engineers’ billionaire without even government job but with the craft of their hands.

So, choosing a career here is a life-changing opportunity one can put himself to. This field makes you to be creative and innovative always in research to bring out the best and latest for the world to see, that’s why scientist in the field of science and technology (engineers on technology) remains the highest-paid individual all over the world and will always remain the highest paid globally except otherwise.

Note: Now some of this gold mine and oil wells have been reviewed to you, take a bold step and choose wisely or do that that gives you joy and where your passion relies on.

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