Knock knock Challenge TikTok | Tutorial - OKVIX

Knock knock Challenge TikTok | Tutorial

Knock knock challenge

Tired of being bored? Why not join some interesting challenge on TikTok to keep yourself lively. ‘Knock knock challenge‘ is another interesting challenge to entertain yourself and your followers online. Here, you will find out everything you need to know about the challenge.

Without further ado, you should be aware that this challenge is not done with any effects, or filter. It can simply be done by your device camera.

Knock Knock Challenge

Many people don’t know how to participate in the challenge. Some find it strange as to how a single person can appear twice in a single video wearing different costumes. Well, it’s all easy to do.

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It takes 2 to 3 minutes or less to participate completely in the challenge, depending on the length of video you want to do. Do not make it too long, though.

There is no specific app, filter or effects for the challenge. All you need is your device camera, and a door. You might also, need to be in different dress. So, make sure you have them all available for use.

How to do Knock knock challenge for TikTok use

To participate in the challenge,

  • Launch your device’s camera and set the countdown to 3 seconds.
  • Position yourself at the front door and open it a bit.
  • Tap the camera capture button, and get ready to perform immediately the countdown reach zero.
  • After recording, pause and locate the back door to do the same wearing a different costume.
  • Finally, post on TikTok, and other social media.
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Here is a video tutorial on how to do the challenge without stress. You can check it out TikTok pranks too.

I’m sure you got good information concerning the door knock knock challenge. If you find this very helpful, kindly share with your friends, so they can learn. Also, they can participate as well.

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