List of churches and fellowships in AE FUNAI currently and how to identify them.
Here you will find out the List/names of churches and fellowships in AE FUNAI.
A lot of new students may not be able to locate where they can worship on Sunday, Saturday and others.
Students may also not know if the Church they worship in exists in the school or not just as we have them in Nigeria.
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list of Churches in AE FUNAI and worship location.
- Catholic Church
They are located at Zone B (Temporary site) at University Auditorium
Time: 8am to 10am
- Anglican Church
Location: Zone A (Permanent site) at University Main Auditorium
- Deeper Life Christian fellowship: Located at Agric lecture hall
Location: Science Auditorium
Time: Bible study; 8am to 9am, Main service; 9am to 12pm
- Christ Ambassador Student Outreach (CASOR)
- Nigeria’s fellowship of Evangelical Students
- Church of Christ
- Scripture Union Fellowship
- Reformers City: Located at Humanities
- Bethel City: Located at Humanities 2nd floor
Time: 7am to 10am
- Christ Embassy: Located at Humanities 3rd floor
- Winners Chapel: Located at Humanities 2nd floor
- Redeem Christian Fellowship (RCF)
Location: Agric Auditorium
Time: Sunday school 7:50am to 9am, Main service 9am to 11
- Vintage Church: Located at Humanities 2nd floor
- Methodist Fellowship: Located at Science Audit (ZONE A)
- Seventh day Adventist Church
- Dominion Christian Centre
- Mountain of Fire Ministry: Located at Block B1
- Watch man
- The Lords Chosen
- Sacred order of Cherubim
- Peace House Fellowship
- Kingdom Diplomat: Located at Needs Assessment building
- Sabbath
There is also a Mosque located at Back Gate for Muslims.
What if I couldn’t find the church I worship in AE-FUNAI?
If you can’t find the church you worship, you can join others at their respective places. Ask your course mates.
Can a non staff or student allowed to open a church?
No. You need to be student or staff before a venue will be assigned to you.
A venue can be assigned to you when you write a letter to the school management.
Is it compulsory for a students to attend a particular church in AE-FUNAI?
A lot of aspirants have asked this question. So, the answer is no. You are free to make such decision on your own.
Other details will be updated with time if there are any changes.
Mountain of fire is at block B1
Okay. Thanks for your feedback. Others will be updated too.
I didn’t see my fellowship..
Okay. The complete list will be updated by January 23rd 2022. Thanks for the feedback.