AE-FUNAI admission letter is being offered to those who have successfully gotten admission into the institution. Here, you will learn how to print AE FUNAI admission letter. Don’t forget to print your admission letter in colour.
How to print AE FUNAI Admission Letter
To print AE FUNAI admission letter,
- Enter your username, and password (your JAMB registration number is your username and password).
- Login as ‘Fresher‘.
- Click at ‘Print admission letter‘.
- Finally, save on your device, or you can print it out immediately.

Note: You have to set your browser’s zoom to 80%, so you can print it properly. Use Firefox or Chrome browser.
Why you need to print AE FUNAI Admission Letter
Without you getting your admission letter from AE-FUNAI, you’re not officially a student of the institution. The letter serves as a proof and authentication of your admission. Also, your admission letter will be required when you want to submit your 6 files to your department.
Contents of AE-FUNAI Admission Letter
“I am pleased to inform you that you have been offered Provisional Admission into (Your faculty name) and (Your department) programme ( duration) for the (Year) Academic Session.
The offer of admission is made subject to the following conditions:
- That you will be registered only after presenting your original JAMB Admission Letter with your
credentials for scrutiny and that all particulars provided on your application form are correct. That at the time of registration, during or after your programme of study, it is discovered that you do not satisfy the minimum requirements prescribed, because the qualifications you claimed to
possess are false, incorrect or intentionally misquoted or altered or that any other information you provided is false, you will be requested to withdraw/forfeit the certificate as the case may be.You are certified to be physically and mentally fit by the University Medical Officer.
That before you are registered, you will settle in full, ALL PRESCRIBED FEES for the programme into which you have been admitted.
That you will not engage in Secret Cult activities or belong to illegal associations.
You will be required to sign An Undertaken To Be of Good Behaviour and abide by the
University’s Rules and Regulations.That you will be expected to register within two weeks from the date of resumption of the
academic session. Failure to register within the stipulated period of two (2) weeks will render the
admission invalid.That request for change of programme may not be entertained after acceptance of offer of admission.
Rights of the university
The University reserves the right to withdraw your admission if it is discovered that you have been involved in any form of examination/admission irregularity even after registration.
You are required to present to the University at the time of Registration a letter of Attestation from your
Parents/Guardian vouching for your good behaviour.
Accept my congratulations on your admission”.
Note: It is important that as a fresher, you should try as much as possible to complete your registration in time to avoid more stress in other levels.