The Lion and the Jewel questions and answers - OKVIX

The Lion and the Jewel questions and answers

The Lion and the Jewel questions and answers

Looking for the Lion and the Jewel questions and answers? Well, of course you need to go through the questions and answers to be able to learn more about the novel. Here, you will discover the Lion and the Jewel questions and answers.

Before you proceed, you may also, check summary of The Lion and the Jewel, themes of the Lion and the Jewel, and the Lion and the Jewel Characters.

The Lion and the Jewel questions and answers

Now, let’s proceed to the questions and answers concerning the Lion and the Jewel novel.

Who is the author of the Lion and the Jewel?

The author of the Lion and the Jewel is Wole Soyinka.

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Why was the train track not allowed in Ilujinle village?

Baroka bribed the surveyor so that he won’t allow the train track to pass through his village. This is because, he fears that the western culture will come into the village, making the people to forget about their own culture.

Why did Teacher Lakunle not marry Sidi?

Teacher Lakunle was unable to marry Sidi because he believes in modernity. Kunle insisted that he won’t pay the bride price of Sidi because it is not a modern culture. He calls the payment of bride price an outdated one. Again, Baroka, through tricks, snatched Sidi from him.

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Who is the protagonist of the novel, the Lion and the Jewel?

The protagonist of the Lion and the Jewel is Sidi. She is the main character of the novel.

Who is Lakunle in the Lion and the Jewel?

Lakunle as a character in the Lion and the Jewel, is a Teacher who picks interest to marry Sidi, which he wasn’t successful. He believed in modernity and not traditional cultures.

Who is Baroka in the Lion and the Jewel?

Baroka is a man who believed in traditional culture. He doesn’t want the western culture to come to his village. He bribed the surveyor to make sure that the train track do not pass through his village. Through his tricks, he was able to marry Sidi.

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What is the role of Lakunle in the Lion and the Jewel.

The role of Lakunle in the Lion and the Jewel is that he tries to bring in modernity to the villagers. He is the one who proposed to Sidi. Despite Sidi having an affair with Baroka, he was still eager to marry her. Lakunle failed woefully as he was unable to get Sidi.

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