Looking for most difficult experiences in AE-FUNAI? How to avoid such experiences? Experiences in AE FUNAI?
Here you will learn about the most difficult experiences in AE-FUNAI. Getting to know some difficult experiences in AE-FUNAI doesn’t mean that the school is not performing well.
I recommend this school to everyone and I’m proud to be a student in the institution.
The fact is that AE FUNAI is one of the best Universities in Nigeria despite some difficult experiences in the school.
Getting to know the most difficult experiences in AE-FUNAI especially the most ugly aspects, will help to reduce stress, and enjoy the school more as if you have been there before.
It will also make you to take precautions in time and learn to cope with them/avoid them.
Most difficult experiences in AE-FUNAI
High sun temperature:
This is the most feared experience students pass through in the school. The sun temperature in Ikwo, is almost the same as the one at the Northern part of the county (Nigerian).
It can change your chocolate skin color to black with time if care is not taken.
Some activities like registration may not help you avoid the sun but you can take precaution and go early in the morning.
Though there are tricycles (keke) inside the school to assist in student transportation.
Sometimes, you may not be able to pay for all transport fare throughout the day as you may have about 3 or more lectures to attend. This will now make you trek.
Though the lecture halls are not that far but frequent changing of lecture hall for the day will surely be tough.
Fast academic session
Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo is one of the fastest schools in Nigeria.
With these, students tend to be stressed out with lots of congested academic activities and other fixtures.
The worst part of it is those who are not able to complete their registrations in time (during first week of resumption).
They tend to suffer it most. Of course there are majority of students in the school who like the fast academic session. Again some students in 200 levels and 300 levels may have not even submitted their six files which are supposed to be submitted when they were in their 100 level.
Standing during lectures:
AE-FUNAI has large buildings, halls, auditoriums, and lecture halls.
With the number of students in the school, those lecture halls are not able to contain some department that has large number of students in the school.
Majority of those that stand during lecture came late.
It is very easy for a student to sit comfortably if he or she comes in time.
Student’s late resumption:
Inception quiz that carries 10 marks are being presented to the students in the first/second week of resumption. Some students may not resume early and they run the risk of losing 10 marks out of the remaining 90 marks.
It is vital that students resume as early as they can to avoid missing quiz and other academic activities.
Changing of teller to receipt:
The process of changing of teller to receipt is quite stressful.
A good number of students who came to change their teller to receipt, may not be attended to.
This is because the queue may be excess, and in this case, not all the students will be attended to on that day.
To avoid such stress, kindly go the change of receipt venue around 7am.
If possible, try stay at the venue by 6:30 am.
This is to ensure that you come earlier than others, and that means you have a high chance to be attended to.
Result checking:
This applies to only few persons. In a case where there is a mistake/ wrong computation of result, or missing script, it causes heartbreak to the victims.
To reduce the risk of missing script and wrong computation, you have to pray, and improve your knowledge.
As well as making sure you sign examination attendance and reading your books in FUNAI.
The high temperature is the worst one…
That is one of the reasons,why am always afraid to return to school